Top Mobile Proxy Providers in 2024

Best Mobile Proxy Providers

Whether you’re scrolling through your friend’s Facebook photos or searching for nearby restaurants on Google, chances are you’re primarily using your mobile device for most of your online activities these days.

Of course, not everyone falls into this category, but it’s becoming increasingly evident that more and more people are opting for mobile internet browsing over traditional desktop usage. While mobile browsing offers convenience in many situations, it also comes with a few drawbacks.

For instance, you’ve probably come across a security verification screen when trying to access certain websites from your mobile device. Unlike desktop users who can switch to incognito mode or try a different browser to access these websites, mobile users face a bit more of a challenge due to how IP addresses function.

However, there is a solution that allows you to easily bypass these obstacles on your mobile device – using a mobile proxy service. In simpler terms, a mobile proxy service helps you access blocked websites on your phone with ease.

What are Mobile Proxies?

Mobile proxies are proxy servers that route internet traffic through mobile devices or mobile networks. They provide anonymity by hiding the user’s actual IP address, making them useful for privacy and bypassing geo-restrictions.

Mobile proxies are popular for web scraping and data mining as they can help users avoid IP bans and access data more reliably. However, they can be more expensive to set up and maintain compared to other proxy types, and their availability and performance may vary.

Users should also consider ethical and legal implications when using mobile proxies for certain activities.

How Do Mobile Proxies Work?

Mobile proxies work by connecting to a special server that has a bunch of different proxies and IP addresses. This server then sends your internet requests through mobile devices connected to a specific network. Each time it does this, you get a new IP address, which hides your real one and makes you anonymous online.

People trying to track your IP address will see that your request comes from a residential address, making it harder to trace. Typically, you get a new IP address every time you visit a new website. Some mobile proxies let you keep the same address for a bit longer, but usually not for too long.

The cool thing is that mobile proxies can make it seem like you’re browsing from a different location or even a different country. So, you get to pick where your internet connection looks like it’s coming from.

These features make it tough for anyone to figure out what you’re up to when you’re online, which can be useful for various online activities.

Why do people use Mobile Proxy?

People use mobile proxies for a variety of reasons, including:

Privacy and anonymity: Mobile proxies hide your real IP address and location, making it difficult for websites and third parties to track your online activity.

Geo-unblocking: Mobile proxies can be used to access content that is restricted in certain regions. For example, if you are traveling to a country where your favorite streaming service is not available, you can use a mobile proxy to connect to a server in a country where it is available.

Web scraping: Mobile proxies can be used to scrape data from websites without being blocked. Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data from websites, and it is often used for market research and data analysis.

Social media marketing: Mobile proxies can be used to create and manage multiple social media accounts without being banned. Social media platforms often ban accounts that are suspected of being bots, but mobile proxies can help you avoid this.

Ad verification: Mobile proxies can be used to verify that ads are being displayed to the right audience. Advertisers often use mobile proxies to check that their ads are not being blocked or filtered.

Top Mobile Proxies (3G/4G/5G/LTE) in 2024


Oxylabs Moile Proxy Homepage Overview

Bright Data was a pioneer in offering mobile proxies and remains a top choice among users. They’ve built a strong reputation through ethical practices. This has made them the preferred mobile proxy provider for not only regular users but also many Fortune 500 companies.

What sets Bright Data apart is their vast network of mobile proxies, boasting over 7.5 million IPs across nearly every country globally. They rarely face bans or blocks, thanks to their extensive network. Users can choose between shared IPs or exclusive IPs for targeting specific domains.

Bright Data offers flexibility with numerous geo locations and allows for unlimited concurrent requests. Connecting to their mobile IPs is easy through a proxy manager interface or a Chrome extension.


  • $200/month for 10GB
  • $380/month for 20GB
  • $850/month for 50GB


  • Large and diverse proxy pool
  • High success rate
  • Fast speeds
  • Advanced targeting options
  • Reliable and secure


  • Expensive
  • High monthly commitment

Bright Data

Bright Data Mobile Proxy Homepag Overview

Bright Data, a trailblazer in mobile proxies, stands out for its ethical approach and widespread popularity. Their global network boasts a staggering 75 million IP addresses, ensuring freedom from annoying blocks and restrictions.

What sets them apart is the choice between shared and exclusive IP addresses, diverse geolocation options, and concurrent request flexibility. The convenience factor shines through with easy connectivity via the proxy manager interface or a user-friendly Chrome extension.

It’s worth noting that Bright Data’s quality comes at a price, with a $30 per GB standard package and no refund policy. Nevertheless, given their outstanding features and reputation, their value proposition remains strong for those willing to invest.


  • $500/month for 27GB ($20.40/GB)
  • $1000/month for 56GB ($18/GB)
  • $2000/month for 127GB ($15.75/GB)


  • High anonymity.
  • Geographical diversity.
  • Access to mobile-only content.
  • Reliability.
  • Scalability.


  • Expensive
  • Monthly commitment

Proxy Empire

Proxy Empire Mobile Proxy Homepage Overview

If you want to bypass geographical restrictions on your mobile phone and need a reliable proxy service, consider using Proxy Empire.

Proxy Empire is a versatile service that helps you collect data and scrape the web safely. They offer both mobile and residential proxies. With proxies in over 150 countries and access to more than 3 million IP addresses, you have plenty of options.

Their pricing is transparent, and their residential proxies automatically rotate, saving you the hassle of managing them. This allows you to concentrate on your online tasks without worrying about proxy issues.


  • $199/month for 10GB
  • $399/month for 20GB
  • $799/month for 50GB


  • Economic benefits for the controlling nation.
  • Strategic advantages and influence.
  • Reduced direct risks.
  • Cultural exchange and enrichment.
  • Potential for regional stability.


  • Exploitation and resource extraction.
  • Loss of sovereignty for the proxy nation.
  • Potential for conflict and resistance.

Proxy Seller

Proxy Seller mobile Proxy Homepage overview

Proxy Seller offers an excellent option for mobile proxies, especially because of their budget-friendly prices. We understand that you might have a tight budget for mobile proxies, so choosing affordable options like Proxy Seller is a wise decision.

Proxy Seller prioritizes client anonymity and provides various categories of inexpensive mobile proxies, catering to a range of needs beyond just mobile proxies.

Their goal is to offer a tailored and personalized experience for clients, ensuring online safety while helping you accomplish your internet goals effectively.


  • $22/month for 15GB
  • $34/month for 25GB
  • $50/month for 50GB


  • Anonymity and privacy.
  • Access to restricted content.
  • Enhanced security.
  • Potential for better performance.
  • Multiple server locations.


  • Limited privacy compared to VPNs.
  • Security risks if the service is untrustworthy.
  • Possible speed reduction.


Airproxy Mobile Proxy

AirProxy, an Italian company, specializes in premium 4G/LTE proxies based in Italy. While the location may not suit all users, AirProxy offers notable advantages. They employ dedicated fiber for the gateway server, coupled with individual SIM cards and modems, ensuring high-speed mobile proxies.

Most IPs are affiliated with Vodafone, but customization is possible. It’s particularly effective for social media, especially Instagram, with flexible IP address changes and instant service activation.

However, the sole package costs €90 monthly, which is relatively expensive. To prevent potential blocking issues, AirProxy recommends limiting usage to 10 accounts per proxy.


  • $20/month for 15GB
  • $30/month for 25GB
  • $40/month for 50GB


  • High-quality, fast proxies.
  • Dedicated infrastructure for reliability.
  • Location-specific proxies (Italy).
  • IP customization options.
  • Suitable for social media.


  • Limited location options.
  • Relatively high cost.
  • Account limitations (10 accounts per proxy).

The Social Proxy

The Social Proxy Mobile Proxy

If you plan to use a proxy for extensive mobile social media use, you’ll want to consider the advantages of the upcoming mobile proxy service.

As the name suggests, they specialize in assisting clients with social media access and offer proxies in Austria, the United Kingdom, and Israel.

This mobile proxy prioritizes anonymity, and what sets it apart is its flexible pricing. Instead of a fixed rate, they offer customizable rates based on the number of ports you require. They also provide a free trial, allowing you to familiarize yourself with their service before committing.


  • $20/month for 15GB
  • $30/month for 25GB
  • $40/month for 50GB


  • Affordable pricing
  • A variety of pricing options, including pay-as-you-go and monthly plans
  • Good reputation for providing high-quality mobile proxies with good speeds and reliability


  • Smaller mobile proxy pool than some other providers


Smartproxy Mobile Proxy

This mobile proxy provider is a major player, especially in the realm of 4G and 5G mobile proxies. They have an extensive network of over 40 million IP addresses spanning 195 countries, ensuring broad accessibility. Their proxies are compatible with various software applications, making them versatile.

Ideal for web scraping, they frequently change IP addresses to maintain anonymity. They employ an automatic system for seamless proxy rotation without inconveniencing users.

Their customer support is available round the clock, and they offer a three-day refund window post-subscription. In summary, this provider’s vast network, adaptability, privacy measures, and customer-friendly policies make it a solid choice for mobile proxies.


  • $21/month for 10GB
  • $38/month for 25GB
  • $85/month for 50GB


  • Large proxy pool with diverse locations.
  • High-speed proxies.
  • User-friendly dashboard.
  • Rotating proxies for IP rotation.
  • Various authentication methods.
  • 24/7 customer support.


  • Relatively high pricing.
  • Limited free trial.
  • No dedicated mobile app.


Shifter Mobile Proxy

Shifter is a top choice for mobile proxies, boasting over 15 million mobile brokers in their pool. While most of their locations are in the USA, they offer unlimited bandwidth and affordable starting prices at just $20 per day.

Shifter provides both 4G and 5G mobile proxies, ensuring high-quality options that won’t require constant changes. Plus, their pricing is flexible, and they offer daily customer support.


  • Shifter mobile proxy prices start at $20 per day for 10 ports.
  • Monthly plans start at $239.99 for 250 proxies.


  • Vast mobile proxy pool (over 15 million proxies).
  • Unlimited bandwidth.
  • 4G and 5G options.
  • High-quality proxies, reducing the need for frequent changes.
  • Flexible pricing.
  • Daily customer support.


  • Primarily U.S.-based locations.
  • Variable costs based on usage.


Soax mobile Proxy

Soax is an exceptional proxy service designed for 5G networks. If you’re a 5G user seeking reliable proxy providers, Soax is an excellent choice.

They boast a vast pool of over 3.5 million IP addresses. What sets them apart is the ability to customize settings, allowing you to select proxies from specific cities, and countries, and even choose your preferred mobile carrier.

Soax automates IP rotation for maximum uptime and a hassle-free experience. They’re dedicated to removing any problematic IP addresses from their pool.


  • SOAX mobile proxy prices start at $99 per month for 15 GB of bandwidth.


  • Optimized for 5G networks.
  • Large IP pool with customization options.
  • Automated IP rotation for high uptime.
  • Active IP quality control.


  • Potentially high pricing.
  • No free trial is available.


What are mobile proxies, and why might I need them?

Mobile proxies are IP addresses associated with mobile devices, offering high anonymity and the ability to access content restricted to mobile users. You might need them for tasks such as web scraping, data collection, or bypassing geo-restrictions.

Who are the best mobile proxy providers?

Some of the top mobile proxy providers include Bright Data, ProxyMesh, ScraperAPI, Smartproxy, and Informatica. These providers offer a range of features and pricing options.

What criteria should I consider when choosing a mobile proxy provider?

When selecting a mobile proxy provider, consider factors like the number of locations available, the size of the IP pool, reliability, pricing, customer support, and whether they offer rotating or static proxies. Your specific needs will dictate which provider is best for you.

Are mobile proxies legal to use?

Mobile proxies themselves are not inherently illegal, but how you use them can be subject to legal restrictions. It’s crucial to follow the terms of service of your chosen provider and respect the laws and regulations in your country.

How much do mobile proxies typically cost?

The cost of mobile proxies varies depending on the provider, the number of IPs you need, and your usage requirements. Prices can range from a few dollars per gigabyte to more substantial monthly subscription fees. Look for providers with transparent pricing structures.

Can I use mobile proxies for social media automation or sneaker copping?

Some mobile proxy providers offer proxies specifically designed for social media or sneaker-copping purposes. Be sure to check with the provider to ensure their proxies are suitable for your intended use and comply with the platform’s terms of service.

What is the difference between mobile proxies and residential proxies?

Mobile proxies use IP addresses associated with mobile devices, while residential proxies use IPs assigned to residential internet connections. Mobile proxies are typically more mobile-centric and may offer higher anonymity, while residential proxies resemble real home connections.

Do mobile proxies guarantee 100% anonymity?

While mobile proxies provide a higher level of anonymity compared to other proxies, no service can guarantee 100% anonymity. Your level of anonymity also depends on how you use the proxies and whether you follow best practices for online privacy and security.

Final words

Mobile proxies have many uses, such as browsing the internet privately or managing multiple social media accounts without the risk of being banned. Prices can vary, so it’s a good idea to start with a provider offering a free trial to learn how mobile proxies work or if they can be a long term solution for your needs. Once you’re experienced and happy with the proxies, you can choose a service that offers good value for long-term use.

Different providers specialize in various aspects. Some focus on specific countries, while others cater to particular online activities. Some prioritize performance and large IP address pools to attract more customers.

Ultimately, your choice of mobile proxy depends on your needs and goals while using the internet.

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